domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015


Sunday,   March  1st of 2015.

Como mi padre dice que he hecho entradas de euskera y español, dice que haga una entrada en inglés sobre el vertedero de Artigas.

On Tuesday 24th we went to Artigas dump by bus.

First of all, we went to see a documentary of the rubbish where it goes. Then we were separated in C and D. Next we saw what they did with the glass, cans and paper this is a recycling process.After that the guide explained the model of Artigas dump, when we were watching videos of the recycling process, a part of the model was illuminated. Later we ate a snack and we went to a simulator. Finally, we went back to school and we went home.
It was a very interesting school trip. I liked the simulator and the dump model the most.

1 comentario:

  1. I did not know anything about this dump. I just saw it is located in Alonsotegi. Thanks for writing about it!
